The Spider by: Stormi

While I feel like I am far from the right person to be writing this, I also feel it would be wrong to move forward without saying a word or two about those who came before us.

For the most part, The Spider existed before my time in the Local Pagan community. I have no stories of my own because I honestly didn't know it existed until a few years ago. However, I have heard your stories; I've heard The Spider spoken about with joy and reverence; I've listened to people speak of how it was the first sign of a community they didn't know was here, and I've seen the light that brightens eyes when it's mentioned. I've caught glimpses of it from time to time and often wondered what could be found in its pages.

Around a month ago, I was handed two copies of The Spider printed 11 years apart. They were both Samhain issues and (given the circumstances that lead to them being placed in my hands) that seemed weirdly appropriate. I've picked them up from time to time over the past month and read through their pages. The names stand out to me. There are names I recognize and names I don't. There are names I have faces for and names I only know from stories. The names stand out to me because they belong to people who have sat where I do now; looking at a screen or a piece of paper and trying to find a way to put into words... anything.

Stryder, Simian, Ashera, Caceus, Art Garbow, Wayland, Ed, Pat...

I'm sure there are many others who's names have featured in The Spider and I would love to read their words. Each one of them has paved the way for the rest of us. They are all the reason we can write and meet and celebrate openly and without fear. They will be somewhere in my mind every time I sit down to write or read through submissions; but none more so than Pat.

As much as I feel I am not the right person to write about The Spider, I KNOW I am far from the right person to write about Pat. I met her a few times over the years at different events and rituals and I do have a few Pat stories of my own. I've also listened to countless stories about the person she was, the things she did for the local pagan community, and the MANY lives she touched. If you ask the locals, especially those who have been around for a while, you would be hard pressed to find someone who DOESN'T have a fantastic story to tell about her. Her name and her stories run like fine silver threads throughout our community connecting all of us, whether we realize it or not, in an ever-evolving web.

I though of her when I was first told the name of this new newsletter: The Spiders' Web

No matter what divisions may seem to pull us apart, no matter what disagreements we may have, we are all spiders on the same web. If you have something to say or something to share, we would love to hear from you. I would love to see many new names (as well as old ones!) alongside articles, art, songs, recipes... anything and everything you are willing to share.

Pat, Kate, all those names I listed above, and many more helped to build our web. I hope this newsletter becomes a way to continue to build it. I hope it fosters understanding and tolerance. I hope it helps heal divides in the community. I hope it brings people together. I hope it educates and entertains. I hope it becomes that first introduction to our community that The Spider was for so many of you.



  1. I am sad for the losses we took to our web this last few years but am glad to see it coming back to life. I hope everyone of us makes those wonderful crones watching through the veil super proud of what they started.


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